Did we the people vote for these NGOs? I didn't, so what right do they have to represent me or the people.
Have NGOs done anything for us the people? Well, none did anything for me.
Why not unite workers, smallholders and petty traders to fight for and defend their rights and interests?
Why not campaign for more affordable and quality public housing; radical improvements in our education system and higher standards of education; more quality, affordable or free healthcare for all; more extensive, quality and affordable public transit; tighter regulations on rampant and congested high-rise development whilst protecting the environment and ecology?
Such policies are best implemented by a government, so what's needed is a political party committed to serving, advancing and protecting the interests of the people if it wins the election, not a bunch of NGOs which nobody voted for.
They seem to be more interested in establishing a Dictatorship of the NGO-tariat.
Well, at least Isham (Hishamuddin Rais) recognises that Pakatan Harapan shot itself in its foot back in February 2020, whilst NGOs scream "backdoor government", which anyone who uses their brain, knows is bullshit - a pathetic cry of sore losers.
The pathetically small turnout mostly of wannabe management, yuppie NGO-types at a protest rally at Dataran Merdeka immediately after the Pakatan Harapan government fell is evidence of little popular support. Some people were worried that there would be a huge traffic jam and they would not be able to get home quickly but the traffic out of Kuala Lumpur was pretty normal that evening and the Movement Control Orders to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 had not been implemented by the present government which had not been formed.
The Free Malaysia Today article follows below:-
Power lust and 'PM virus' that felled PH
Nora Mahpar - July 25, 2020 9:30 PM
PETALING JAYA: An activist has blamed the fall of the Pakatan Harapan-led government on the "lust" for the prime minister's post.
Speaking at an event here today, Hishamuddin Rais said all hopes and dreams of reforms evaporated after the 22-month old administration fell on Feb 24.
He said that historians 100 years from now would look back on the events of 2020 as a tragicomedy in which the "people's victory" of May 9, 2018 had been snatched away by a "lust" to be prime minister.
"We have to learn from our mistakes. Let us not be easily trapped by those wearing robes who are filled with religious rhetoric," he said at the launch of a social organisation called Daya Masyarakat today.
Hishamuddin said the political landscape had changed because of two "viruses" – Covid-19 and the "PM virus" – which led to the political crisis.
The Pakatan Harapan government in power since the 2018 election fell on the resignation of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the coalition chairman and prime minister.
Under an agreement struck prior to the general election, Mahathir was to hand over power to Anwar Ibrahim at an unspecified date. The question of the handover date would feature frequently during Pakatan Harapan's short stint in power.
PKR vice-president Tian Chua, who is Daya chairman, said Malaysians should commit to rebuilding hopes so that the sacrifices of the past decades were not wasted.
He said Daya would be a social movement to unite all NGOs "to restore the strength we built up before".
Yours truly