The Azmin-Haziq sex video saga continues, with no end of media reports of statements by politicians and speculations by bloggers - all adding to the political entertainment we have enjoyed for over 20 years and plenty more issues to speculate on via social media and over teh tarik.
As I have oftentimes said, if Malaysia's political saga since Anwar Ibrahim was sacked from UMNO in 1998 is turned into a TV series soap opera, it would beat the BBC's Yes Prime Minister hands down and earn Malaysia much badly needed foreign exchange.
The latest is that Azmin believes the sex video is an inside job.
"Azmin says 'convinced' sex videos are inside job after PKR man goes missing"
He said the video clips first spread last Tuesday (June 11) in new WhatsApp groups created by anonymous senders. Many journalists and PKR members were included in the groups.
"These WhatsApp groups contained all the contact numbers of branch leaders and lower-ranked branch level office bearers," said Datuk Seri Azmin on Sunday (June 16), as quoted by The Star online news.
"I don't have access to this information. The question is who provided this information to create these WhatsApp groups.
My questions is: - Even if the sender of video to several WhatsApp groups comprised of the mobile numbers of journalists and PKR members, each WhatsApp group has one or more Group Admins, so why can't investigators try and identify those Group Admins by their mobile number and more importantly the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number of their device used, IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) number and SIM (Subscriber Identification Module) number.
The IMEI number uniquely identifies their device, since no two mobile devices in the world have the same IMEI number.
The IMSI number uniquely identifies the individual GSM (as well as 3G, 4G or 5G) subscriber and the cellular network they are subscribed to.
The SIM card is an integrated circuit - a physical electronic device - i.e. a smart card which securely stores the IMSI.
In Malaysia, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Malaysia's communications and multimedia regulator requires all SIM card vendors to register the MyKad or passport details of anyone who buys a prepaid SIM card or subscribes to a postpaid account and submit them to the MCMC, though this is not always complied with or properly enforced, knowing well the legendary tendency for lax enforcement of regulations in Malaysia. We call this tendency "tidakapathy".
However, based upon these details related to the mobile number of the Group Admin or Group Admins of the WhatsApp groups, investigators, including the MCMC can at least identify the device used by the sender, the cellular network the device was on at the time and if the vendor who sold the SIM card had recorded the details of the purchaser and had reported it to the MCMC as is required, thy could track down the sender.
Also, based upon technology which the MCMC has, if the owner of the device with that IMEI number discards the prepaid SIM and inserts another SIM for regular use, the MCMC should be able to track down the subscriber related to the regular SIM from its IMSI number, unless the user discards the smartphone altogether as well.
This is a job for Y.B. Gobind Singh Deo, Minister of Communications and Multimedia, since the MCMC comes under his ministry.
C'mon Gobind, get your people on the ball.
Meanwhile, the U.K. parliament and the Conservative party also provide great political entertainment especially over their farcical mis-handling of BREXIT a the British people voted for, or might we say "BREAK SHIT".
It will even be more politifun if the Conservative party elects Boris Johnson as head of the party, hence the U.K.'s new prime minister and then parliament moves a motion of no confidence against him and the U.K. will have to find another new prime minister to replace him.
If you can't BREAK SHIT, then get off the pot.
Yours trully
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